ROOTS manifest the connection and communication system that operates as an intelligent and distributed superorganism. Designed by Nature, this resilient network purifies and regenerates our sense of coexistence in space and time. Flowing simultaneously, through conscious and subconscious multiple dimensions, the symbiotic interbeing is our home.
ROOTS pavilion is a space for humans to connect with their inner nature, with ancestral knowledge and ecological awareness.
The pavilion archit...
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ROOTS manifest the connection and communication system that operates as an intelligent and distributed superorganism. Designed by Nature, this resilient network purifies and regenerates our sense of coexistence in space and time. Flowing simultaneously, through conscious and subconscious multiple dimensions, the symbiotic interbeing is our home.
ROOTS pavilion is a space for humans to connect with their inner nature, with ancestral knowledge and ecological awareness.
The pavilion architecture was inspired by Amazon mangrove roots system, and designed through digital emulation of natural growing principles.
A self-supporting aluminium branching system wrapped with fine custom-made ropes hosts a rug used as a collective space for ceremonies and two traditional Amazonian hammocks that let visitors experience the immersive documentary SACRED COCA.
Comissionado e Curado por: Ximena Caminos (HoneyLab)
Produção: Alberto Latorre Architecture
Equipe de Projeto
Autor: Atelier Marko Brajovic
Diretor Criativo: Marko Brajovic
Diretor de Projeto: Bruno Bezerra
Design parametrico: Guilherme Giantini
Cordas: Tidelli Outdoor Living
Apresentado por: Sacred Space Miami e DeltaAirlines
Documentarios SACRED COCA: Diana Rico e Richard Decaillet
Estrutura em aluminio: United American Metal Works
Instalação das cordas: Kandi Stirman